You're a bard now! What type of music do you play?
Congratulations! You're an extremely talented and high-level bard! You can play any type of music you like on any type of instrument. What do you choose to play?
Personally I'm going with the old standard acoustic guitar, only it's completely out of tune but that doesn't matter because I play folk punk so it's ok that it sounds bad because that's just the genre. Because my music is....audibly unpleasant...all of my spells are DOTs.
Share what you'd play and how that contributes to your party!
@SwampCreature I think I'd have to do some kind of old synth or dance like old school techno on a big old electric keyboard with a chain for a strap that could be fun
I'd think I'd play Symphonic Metal, but with a larger emphasis on orchestral and electronic. It would start as weak buffs that would scale as combat continues.
I rather like Hiroyuki Sawano's works so I'm thinking along the lines of that.
Hmm, I would play a drum. Or a hand pan. Or both? The drum I would use to exclusively play the executioner beat no matter where I am, and the hand pan would be used to put everyone to sleep with its soothing sound.
My favorite instrument of choice for a bard is the bagpipes, however I usually design the character as a mini walking band type contraption
I would never be a bard.
But I would certainly kill one.The day the music died.....
Oooh this is such a good question! Okay, I would either play the violin or the harp. And I'd play very melancholic music, always in minor key, and sing solemnly along to it. I'd sound alluring, somber, and deadly, like a siren.
I have never been musically talented nor gentle enough to care for an instrument, so I would be the world first and best beat boxing bard. Wooka-wooka-brrrrtz
I've always wanted to play the handpan.
@merlin that is such a cool answer! I'd love to see that in a campaign.
@Alexander-Salkin one of my partner's family members just got a handpan and it sounds incredible, love it.
aaahhhhhh no! The ultimate bard!
@mianngu My most recent was a bagpipe player, its amazing the songs that have been covered by bagpipes LMAO