D&D 5e Paid Campaign / Heroes of Yggdrasil, the One Tree
Hello all!
I recently signed up to be a Professional DM on Start Playing Games, to run my original (homebrew) world campaign for D&D 5e. The same campaign I've entered in the contest here on LiveTale, Heroes of Yggdrasil, the One Tree
Unlike running modules, I'll be customizing the campaign around the characters. It's a mix of horror, wacky humor, roleplaying, strategic combat, exploration and social encounters! I'm planning to be open to both experienced and beginner players.
I have a background as a fiction author and a stage actor and improvisor, so I enjoy personifying NPCs for you to play with.
Please take a look at my profile for a little bit more about me: https://bit.ly/Pr0GMddk
If you are looking for a longterm campaign, please check out the times and days that I currently have listed! I need one more person for the Thursday time to start running it!
Thursdays: https://bit.ly/YggdrasilThurs
Fridays: https://bit.ly/YggdrasilFridays
Sundays: https://bit.ly/YggdrasilSundays
Tuesdays: https://bit.ly/YggdrasilTues
Wednesdays: https://bit.ly/YggdrasilWedsFeel free to ask any questions you have here! I will be using X, N, O safety cards and Lines & Veils.
I feel like I should have known something like this existed! I only started playing DnD in the early 2000s, and even then it was "nerdy" and uncool. DnD is so akin to self-expression and I love how it has become so much easier to experience and play. It's awesome that you are doing this and sounds like it would be a super fun campaign.
@mianngu Agree and thanks! There's really nothing like roleplaying games. I wish I had the time to learn how to play and run dozens of other rule systems, too!
I feel like you get more enjoyment from being very good at one set of games though. It's nice to not have to be constantly checking the rule book for little things, and I feel like overall when I know the rules really well campaigns are way smoother.
@mianngu This is true. But at the same time, reading new rule systems can be really inspiring and can trigger unexpected ideas. The offer some new possibilities for how to play that aren't apparent when you only know one system. Plus, it can be just kind of refreshing. Although my team plays 90% D&D, our 3 sessions of Shadow of the Demon Lord have been a fun change of pace. SotDL is D&D adjacent so it's not a huge leap, but I'm also learning Champions 6th Edition (Hero System 6e) and it's soooo different from D&D or Pathfinder, it's like another world. There's fun in just learning a new rule system.