Crazy fun ttrpg
Curious to know what was everyone's most favorite craziest experience in a any ttrpg I'll start
Me and some friends decided one day that we were going to combine shadowrun and star wars not just the system but the universes you can't imagine how fun it was to play a physical adept/Jedi guardian especially seeing as how we decided to keep magic and the force its own separate entities
Oh boy. Most fun? Buckle in.
I ran a TTRPG using Pathfinder 1st edition, Mythic Rules, Campaign, etc. (the whole rule set). I set this in Skyrim, a few years after The Dragonborn put The Nords back in control.
I built a custom class for using Thu'um (dragon tongue), and each player slowly learned a handful of words over time.
Then, I made a system where they can shout in unison to create 'multi-word effects'.
The best two are as follows:
1.) T-Rex tornado. Sounds like what it's titled. The draconic words for "Teeth", "Claws", "Tempest", "Gale", and "Animal" resulted in an enormous tornado filled with T-Rexes flying across the battlefield.
2.) Insatiable Lustful Hunger. An enormous herd of scavenger beetles the size of mini-vans was descending upon a town. The party used the words "Passion", "Desire", "Flesh", "Consume", and "Spread" to cause basically a beetle-only zombie disease to spread through the hostile army's ranks.Very fun campaign, even more weird stuff happened later on (a tank with a main gun that took 1 year to recharge but did 100d10 damage, and 1-shot a Kraken, for instance).
Lots of good memories.