It's me again.
I am curious, since I think this is more of an MMO thing than a TT thing, but I want to know, what's your opinion on having mounts? Or familiars? Or any kind of beastie companions?
I will admit, that having played in both camps, I really enjoy having creatures you can interact with because it makes the world seem more real to me. I remember when I first got started with Guild Wars (god I'm old) I was weirdly psyched to play a ranger because you could have a wild cat as a companion that would help you tear up enemies. Granted I was 17 and my tastes have slightly changed. But it is what it is.
When I played White Wolf, I always enjoyed mages who got down with the beasties too.
I don't know how feasible it will be to put in ridable creatures if someone's tale called for it, but I would elated to have them in gameplay.
Wondering if anyone else has this ideal for their sample submissions, or just in general?
I LOVE COMPANIONS. This might sound silly, but I think they serve as a comforting feature for me. When I play solo games especially. I also just love creatures of all sorts in games, and it adds to my affection for the game if you can actually interact with the creatures for sure.
Companions and mounts are definitely in scope of our thing. Unlike traditional MMO games, we wouldn't be necessarily having them be so much of a special mechanic as an optional piece that a Tale can support or not. BUT with the regard to a more non-Tale companions, we have been discussing a persistent assistant/buddy that could take on companion-like forms.
I loooove mounts and companions, to the point where I've gone against my own better judgement and PAID REAL MONEY for them in-game (it was only once.......and it was a cute mount....). I'd love to see one or both of those mechanics implemented in LiveTale!
So kinda like how Guild Wars let you fill a party with NPCs so you could still go quest alone? They weren't very good and you needed real people for harder stuff, but they could manage for the day to day stuff. -
@Ezra I LOVE mounts. One of my happiest moments of gaming was getting Mimiana in Maplestory (and bragging about it). It was an extreme time investment both to get to the necessary level and to get the in-game money for it but finally seeing my character running around riding it was so worth it.
It's not as much the being able to move 20% faster, but rather I loved it as an optional goal that other players can see and instantly associate it with the accomplished challenge to get to that point.
Bonus points if different classes get different mounts to represent the group of people/tribe.
I love how Wow turned part of the game into basically pokemon and let you battle your vanity pets. I could spend hours on it just going around collecting them.
I love mounts and pets. Any game that has these features will instantly draw me in. I've definitely paid real money for mounts in games, don't feel too bad @SwampCreature
Sometimes there's a really good sale, or they're just too cute to pass up! In games like Minecraft I'm so protective over my pets, I make huge fenced in areas to keep them protected, and refuse to take them out where they could be hurt.
@K-O Same... games always get my real money when it comes to playing with appearance, and having some kind of pet or mount. I feel I should write some in lol.