Animal Companions
I'm of the opinion that animal companions in most games/books/media are the BEST. Whose your favorite? Mine is definitely toothless! Look at that face! The H2TYD series is one of my favorite, though the movies get the spotlight. Toothless will forever hold a place in my heart. Whose your favorite and why?
@mianngu I can't think of any in media that are standing out to me, but I gravitate hard towards pet classes in games of any kind. Back when I played WoW, I used to get pretty attached to my little crab pet. Crabbert was so fidgety looking and he had this great little mohawk on his shell, although I think they changed the graphics on that since. Having grown up at the shore IRL just made me appreciate having a battle crab on my adventures.
And back when I first started playing D+D, my ranger had a boar for a companion. I loved that bristly little guy. We put a little metal warrior's cap on him and Ferdinand the Boar of Battle was our team mascot. My ranger used to feed him little cakes and snacks I bought from the local inns. When I learned ogres killed him, I systematically tracked down their camp and to excuse the pun, I went absolutely ham on them, sparing no one. Never cross my pets!
@mianngu I was super excited for HTTYD to come out. I still remember getting out of the hospital and going straight to the theaters for it. Definitely one of my favorites lol. The sequels not so much...
@mianngu I LOVE animal companions. I think one of the reasons it was so easy to get into A Song of Ice and Fire is that they gave all the main characters a direwolf at the very beginning of the first book. I love Ghost and I'm so upset he didn't get more screentime in the show
Thats so true! The moment they started handing our Dire wolves I was like me me me me me!!!! And then they started killing them.....
Every DnD campaign I play in I want a pet dragon. I can never get a pet dragon. Not even a baby. Why is that?!!!
@mianngu That's a crime!
Have you not even been allowed to play the Drakewarden Ranger??
@Alexander-Salkin WHAT???!!!!!! I have never heard of this! So I googled it and the source is Fizban's Treasury of Dragons which came out in October 2021 and I have been exculsively DMing since March of 2021 in the FATE system. And to be honest I haven't really looked back at DnD since. QUICK SOMEONE THROW TOGETHER A GAME I NEED A DRAGON!
Actual image of my Drake Companion.