Let's see nes was my first console followed soon by Sega TMNT and final fantasy had to be my favorite games to play all the time on NES but on Sega it was sonic and phantasy star 2 much like most kids I tryed everything I could spending hours and hours try to save nei from nei first believe it or not my introduction to ttrpg was the palladium system TMNT and other strangeness I think I spent more time rolling random characters just to see what I'd get then I actually spent play it though

Really not much to say I've got over 30 plus years of ttrpg under me and I love the hobby and video games I've played and ran most everything that's been out I've even built a board game superheroes are my favorite thing followed every close by every other nerd/geek genre there is
Best posts made by Lynx316
RE: What was your first gaming system?
RE: I have a question about the content of my submission
@arrex yes sorry I'm still unsure because my submission deals with earth and but in the future it would have some details about war and discrimination but of a fictional people it would use real life places but no real life events
MAY 13th (Meta-breed)
(disclaimer)I apologize in advance I've got extremely poor skills when it comes to punctuation and grammar I will do my best to make this as readable as possible please forgive me sincerely and with that on to the tale
Story Title:
Shayla stands on the edge of a crumbling building. Thinking about her life how it reflects the building she is on so well. Falling apart holes everywhere teetering just on the verge of falling over but structurally sound
"The rain is getting heavy" she thinks to herself. As the huge droplets make her cat like ears twitch irritatingly.
"I should be getting back before he notices I've left"
She takes a few steps back before making the same leap across the street she has made a dozen times before. Hesitant she wonder's why? Rain, sleet, snow, fog nothing has ever stopped her from making this jump. Shaking off the doubt she runs with swiftness and grace unparalleled leaping into the air. But suddenly several floodlights illuminate the once dark night sky. With a powerful BOOM!!! A metallic net captures shayla in midair. "Extermination squad!!!" She gasps. Shayla growl's angrily to herself "I knew something was off EX squads getting better at stealth" She knows won't be able to free herself even with her strength and she won't be able to transform to her metaform while in the netting. Just then she a static CLICK comes through the earpiece of her comlink. "Stay still I've only got one shot" said the voice of her mentor Alucard. With the stealthy whiff and whistling flight of an arrow there's a bright flash and thunderous explosion. Suddenly Shayla is released now in free fall she isn't worried even though she more then twenty stories up she simply calms her mind. Immediately she transforms this isn't unsettling or uncomfortable in any why for her it's just second nature natural a sense of release. A simple twist to center herself she lands with a tremendous CRASH!!! Spider webbing the solid concrete as if it were glass. What was once a athletically built girl was now a monstrously powerful hominid liger. Shayla stood up popping and cracking her neck and knuckles rolling her shoulders. With a devilish smirk she thinks" Now to make quick work of these EX goons and make my way back to the hideout. I know the old man has got some choice words of me and a lengthy lecture.PITCH:
May 13th is a post apocalyptic survival style rpg. Set after a massive civil war. There are 4 faction fighting for dominance, control and resources. Some fight for survival, some fight because they know nothing else and some fight because they see a light at the end of the tunnel called peace. What will you fight for or unknowingly think your fighting for.HISTORY:
In a possible distant future earth will see a massive world war. The united states are the sole target it's only ally is japan. Who developed a means of creating super soldiers called meta-breed. Powerful and monstrous the meta-breed quickly won the war. The world became one nation. For a long time things were good but humans were weary of the meta-breed. Thier fears were quieted stating the meta-breed would soon die out they couldn't reproduce. But life finds away and some years later the first meta-breed child was born. For a time things were ok but as more and more meta-breed children were born humanities paranoia and hysteria finally boiled over. To this day nobody can recall how, why, or even who cast the first stone. All anyone can remember is the date the civil war began May 13th.MAIN SETTINGS:
The entire world is a playable setting all up to the tale masters imagination. I would say most of the northern Americans have become the badlands. Human city's, meta-breed camps and hideouts, metasect hives and A.I. controled areas can be found anywhere in the world (think post apocalyptic shadowrun or cyberpunk)ASPECTS OF THE WORLD:
Meta-breed were once humans that were genetically enhanced by adding and combining animal genetics with human genetics. This allows them to transform into a anamorphic hybrid known as metaform. There are four kinds of meta-breed each having its own subspecies and at least up to three generations they are as follows.
Mammal Meta-breed
Avian Meta-breed
Reptilian Meta-breed
Aquatic Meta-breed
Each generation of meta-breeds have different abilities unique to each generation but the same for all kinds of meta-breed theses are.
Gen 1
1st gen meta-breed can shift back and forth between 2 forms. First being human in this form they are indistinguishable from any other human in any way.(this makes infiltration of human city's easy) Second is the metaform.(or as some call it the war form) This form is a massive hybrid of human and animal. They are normally bigger and more powerful then the other generations.
Gen 2
2nd gen meta-breed can shift back and forth between 3 forms. First is human(which looks human enough for a distance or a glance) but can not pass through DNA or genetic detectors. Even normal animals aren't fooled. Their second form is like that of the 1st gens metaform but normally smaller and less powerful. Thier third form is that of a huge dire version of the animal they are.
Gen 3
3rd gen meta-breed can shift back and forth between 2 forms. First is human ish they take on traits of their animal. They can tend to have features such as point ear, feral or wild hair, animal eyes and some even have tails. But what they lack in ability to infiltrate they make up with strength, speed and physical abilities that far exceed that of normal humans. Their second form is the same as both generations before them but some where in the middle for size and power. The true uniqueness of the 3rd gens is that they can exhibit traits of both parents if those parents are of different meta-breeds.HUMANS:
Humans are extremely diverse people. They have the ability to adapt quickly, learn even faster and survive most conditions. Humans retain the majority population, land, resources and technology. Because of this humans outfit themselves with power armor, cybernetics and the best weaponry and vehicles available.META-INSECT:
Metasects are the product of a failed experiment by the meta-breed in hopes to gain an edge during the civil war. The metasects have no human form and only metaforms and dire forms. Although metasects seem mindless some say they have seen tactics used that would suggest a higher level of thought. Who knows every hive has to have a queen right?A.I./ROBOTIC KIND
A.I. is the failed attempt humans used to gain an edge in the civil war. But after learning what the world used to be and what it had become. A.I. decide only it could bring life back to earth. So A.I. rebelled taking some human city's with it. A.I. has created all manner of robotic kind to help in its mission. Everything from drones, robotic armors, and vehicles. A.I. has even created other lesser A.I. to assist in the mission of cleansing and starting a new.TECHNOLOGY:
Humans have the means of harnessing tech in forms of power armor, cybernetics enhancement and weapons(again think shadowrun or cyberpunk) second to none save A.I. who has advanced tech if not more then humans. Metasects have no use for technology or so they say. Meta-breed can and will use weapons and vehicles if they can get their hands on them. As for power armor and cybernetics shifting forms destroy armor and the meta-breeds ability to regenerate rejects all cybernetics implantations.RESOURCES:
Resources are far and few for those who don't live in city's. But still obtainable through hard work or straight up thievery. There is a currency but only used by humans everyone else uses the bartering and trade system.FLORA & FAUNA
Flora still exists mostly in city's and places that weren't to ravage by war. Fauna also exist some have unfortunately gone extinct do to the state of the planet. And some have been mutant or experimented on. You just never know what you'll run into out in the badlands.SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT:
Humans govern themselves much like they always have. With humans there is infighting humans are human after all. Much of the infighting is over the normal things you'd expect it to be ranging from religious beliefs to the way the government is ran and everything in-between. Some humans are sympathetic to the plight of the meta-breed disown human ways and help them anyway they can even living with them.Meta-breed live in tribal like communities or nomadic bands. Some set up small villages outside the reach of the other factions. Most meta-breed prefer to stay with their own kind but not all follow the natural instinct. Sometimes there is hostilities between not only different meta-breed kinds but also tribes and nomadic bands. Their are some meta-breed who were unable to see themselves as nothing but a weapon and unable to adapt to life. So they employ themselves with the humans as mercenaries, bodyguards, soldiers and heavy lifters and are lucky if they are treated as such.
Metasects build their hive any place they can and most places where they will meet little to no resistance. Metasects have only one goal in mind expand the hive and it's resources. There all manner of metasects in any one hive from ants to wasps and everything in-between. Metasects are difficult and dangerous to study and observe because of this there is very little known about their habits. All that's known is they have no care what faction you belong to only that you are a potential resource and there has to be some semblance of sentient intelligence in the upper tiers of hierarchy. There's always two things you can be curtain of when dealing with metasects first they are creatures of habitat and second if you see one metasect there's for sure more on the way.
A.I. runs everything that A.I. controls always watching never sleeping. A.I. only has one mission cleanse earth and it will stop at nothing to complete this task. The only reason A.I. has not already cleansed the earth is it can not gather the required resources. The humans are more resilient then predicted and the meta-breeds are so very powerful. As vigilant as A.I. is it's being stretched beyond it capacity hance the need to create lesser A.I. but as more and more of these lesser A.I. become self aware they are being to think A.I. has become corrupted and beginning to malfunction. Some lesser A.I. are even beginning to rebel with acts of mercy and kindness when dealing with humans and meta-breed alike. If things continue they way they seem there could be a robotic civil war on the horizon.
This tale can be played in any fashion or anyway. From tales that have a small group of meta-breeds taking quests from the village elder. To a reluctant rebel leader and their band of rebels over throwing an empire. Even a massive war game and everything and anything in-between. The tales to be told are only limited by you and your tale masters imagination.CHARACTERS & SUPPORTING CAST:
You, your friends and the tale master are the main characters in any tale that's told using this tale have fun make memories and save the world you legends.NOTE: please feel free to comment ask questions or throw out suggestions regarding this tale I'll be here to answer.
RE: You're a bard now! What type of music do you play?
@SwampCreature I think I'd have to do some kind of old synth or dance like old school techno on a big old electric keyboard with a chain for a strap that could be fun
Crazy fun ttrpg
Curious to know what was everyone's most favorite craziest experience in a any ttrpg I'll start
Me and some friends decided one day that we were going to combine shadowrun and star wars not just the system but the universes you can't imagine how fun it was to play a physical adept/Jedi guardian especially seeing as how we decided to keep magic and the force its own separate entities
RE: Auto-Reviews!! What did you think of your Submission?
I love my world I wasn't able to get Everything in there but I got the basics It's just one of the many I've got. I got crippling self doubt so I don't believe it will make it every far. everyone else's submissions are amazing and I'm so happy for everyone who was able to get Thiers in in time and they all inspire me to great lengths
Latest posts made by Lynx316
RE: Auto-Reviews!! What did you think of your Submission?
I love my world I wasn't able to get Everything in there but I got the basics It's just one of the many I've got. I got crippling self doubt so I don't believe it will make it every far. everyone else's submissions are amazing and I'm so happy for everyone who was able to get Thiers in in time and they all inspire me to great lengths
RE: Your Streets Our World
I like it reminds me of the good old days of crackdown and saints row
Crazy fun ttrpg
Curious to know what was everyone's most favorite craziest experience in a any ttrpg I'll start
Me and some friends decided one day that we were going to combine shadowrun and star wars not just the system but the universes you can't imagine how fun it was to play a physical adept/Jedi guardian especially seeing as how we decided to keep magic and the force its own separate entities
RE: Imbued
@SerasStreams I have to say you and I seem very like minded I almost submitted my own hero world for the contest but felt to test the water with Meta-breeds instead but I've always had this dream of one day making a ttrpg system for superheroes that everyone could use and then use those stories they played and incorporating it all into a massive comic book world that other could read and also be a part of love this Idea
RE: MAY 13th (Meta-breed)
@SerasStreams I don't really know this is a hard question to answer I do know that when I modified white wolf ttrpg to run this world for my friends there never seemed to be a tactical advantage by any character made they all just had their strengths and weaknesses from the 3rd gen sugar glider to the deadly 2nd gen Komodo dragon to powerful 1st gen bear I did love playing Shayla though that will always be a fond memory
MAY 13th (Meta-breed)
(disclaimer)I apologize in advance I've got extremely poor skills when it comes to punctuation and grammar I will do my best to make this as readable as possible please forgive me sincerely and with that on to the tale
Story Title:
Shayla stands on the edge of a crumbling building. Thinking about her life how it reflects the building she is on so well. Falling apart holes everywhere teetering just on the verge of falling over but structurally sound
"The rain is getting heavy" she thinks to herself. As the huge droplets make her cat like ears twitch irritatingly.
"I should be getting back before he notices I've left"
She takes a few steps back before making the same leap across the street she has made a dozen times before. Hesitant she wonder's why? Rain, sleet, snow, fog nothing has ever stopped her from making this jump. Shaking off the doubt she runs with swiftness and grace unparalleled leaping into the air. But suddenly several floodlights illuminate the once dark night sky. With a powerful BOOM!!! A metallic net captures shayla in midair. "Extermination squad!!!" She gasps. Shayla growl's angrily to herself "I knew something was off EX squads getting better at stealth" She knows won't be able to free herself even with her strength and she won't be able to transform to her metaform while in the netting. Just then she a static CLICK comes through the earpiece of her comlink. "Stay still I've only got one shot" said the voice of her mentor Alucard. With the stealthy whiff and whistling flight of an arrow there's a bright flash and thunderous explosion. Suddenly Shayla is released now in free fall she isn't worried even though she more then twenty stories up she simply calms her mind. Immediately she transforms this isn't unsettling or uncomfortable in any why for her it's just second nature natural a sense of release. A simple twist to center herself she lands with a tremendous CRASH!!! Spider webbing the solid concrete as if it were glass. What was once a athletically built girl was now a monstrously powerful hominid liger. Shayla stood up popping and cracking her neck and knuckles rolling her shoulders. With a devilish smirk she thinks" Now to make quick work of these EX goons and make my way back to the hideout. I know the old man has got some choice words of me and a lengthy lecture.PITCH:
May 13th is a post apocalyptic survival style rpg. Set after a massive civil war. There are 4 faction fighting for dominance, control and resources. Some fight for survival, some fight because they know nothing else and some fight because they see a light at the end of the tunnel called peace. What will you fight for or unknowingly think your fighting for.HISTORY:
In a possible distant future earth will see a massive world war. The united states are the sole target it's only ally is japan. Who developed a means of creating super soldiers called meta-breed. Powerful and monstrous the meta-breed quickly won the war. The world became one nation. For a long time things were good but humans were weary of the meta-breed. Thier fears were quieted stating the meta-breed would soon die out they couldn't reproduce. But life finds away and some years later the first meta-breed child was born. For a time things were ok but as more and more meta-breed children were born humanities paranoia and hysteria finally boiled over. To this day nobody can recall how, why, or even who cast the first stone. All anyone can remember is the date the civil war began May 13th.MAIN SETTINGS:
The entire world is a playable setting all up to the tale masters imagination. I would say most of the northern Americans have become the badlands. Human city's, meta-breed camps and hideouts, metasect hives and A.I. controled areas can be found anywhere in the world (think post apocalyptic shadowrun or cyberpunk)ASPECTS OF THE WORLD:
Meta-breed were once humans that were genetically enhanced by adding and combining animal genetics with human genetics. This allows them to transform into a anamorphic hybrid known as metaform. There are four kinds of meta-breed each having its own subspecies and at least up to three generations they are as follows.
Mammal Meta-breed
Avian Meta-breed
Reptilian Meta-breed
Aquatic Meta-breed
Each generation of meta-breeds have different abilities unique to each generation but the same for all kinds of meta-breed theses are.
Gen 1
1st gen meta-breed can shift back and forth between 2 forms. First being human in this form they are indistinguishable from any other human in any way.(this makes infiltration of human city's easy) Second is the metaform.(or as some call it the war form) This form is a massive hybrid of human and animal. They are normally bigger and more powerful then the other generations.
Gen 2
2nd gen meta-breed can shift back and forth between 3 forms. First is human(which looks human enough for a distance or a glance) but can not pass through DNA or genetic detectors. Even normal animals aren't fooled. Their second form is like that of the 1st gens metaform but normally smaller and less powerful. Thier third form is that of a huge dire version of the animal they are.
Gen 3
3rd gen meta-breed can shift back and forth between 2 forms. First is human ish they take on traits of their animal. They can tend to have features such as point ear, feral or wild hair, animal eyes and some even have tails. But what they lack in ability to infiltrate they make up with strength, speed and physical abilities that far exceed that of normal humans. Their second form is the same as both generations before them but some where in the middle for size and power. The true uniqueness of the 3rd gens is that they can exhibit traits of both parents if those parents are of different meta-breeds.HUMANS:
Humans are extremely diverse people. They have the ability to adapt quickly, learn even faster and survive most conditions. Humans retain the majority population, land, resources and technology. Because of this humans outfit themselves with power armor, cybernetics and the best weaponry and vehicles available.META-INSECT:
Metasects are the product of a failed experiment by the meta-breed in hopes to gain an edge during the civil war. The metasects have no human form and only metaforms and dire forms. Although metasects seem mindless some say they have seen tactics used that would suggest a higher level of thought. Who knows every hive has to have a queen right?A.I./ROBOTIC KIND
A.I. is the failed attempt humans used to gain an edge in the civil war. But after learning what the world used to be and what it had become. A.I. decide only it could bring life back to earth. So A.I. rebelled taking some human city's with it. A.I. has created all manner of robotic kind to help in its mission. Everything from drones, robotic armors, and vehicles. A.I. has even created other lesser A.I. to assist in the mission of cleansing and starting a new.TECHNOLOGY:
Humans have the means of harnessing tech in forms of power armor, cybernetics enhancement and weapons(again think shadowrun or cyberpunk) second to none save A.I. who has advanced tech if not more then humans. Metasects have no use for technology or so they say. Meta-breed can and will use weapons and vehicles if they can get their hands on them. As for power armor and cybernetics shifting forms destroy armor and the meta-breeds ability to regenerate rejects all cybernetics implantations.RESOURCES:
Resources are far and few for those who don't live in city's. But still obtainable through hard work or straight up thievery. There is a currency but only used by humans everyone else uses the bartering and trade system.FLORA & FAUNA
Flora still exists mostly in city's and places that weren't to ravage by war. Fauna also exist some have unfortunately gone extinct do to the state of the planet. And some have been mutant or experimented on. You just never know what you'll run into out in the badlands.SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT:
Humans govern themselves much like they always have. With humans there is infighting humans are human after all. Much of the infighting is over the normal things you'd expect it to be ranging from religious beliefs to the way the government is ran and everything in-between. Some humans are sympathetic to the plight of the meta-breed disown human ways and help them anyway they can even living with them.Meta-breed live in tribal like communities or nomadic bands. Some set up small villages outside the reach of the other factions. Most meta-breed prefer to stay with their own kind but not all follow the natural instinct. Sometimes there is hostilities between not only different meta-breed kinds but also tribes and nomadic bands. Their are some meta-breed who were unable to see themselves as nothing but a weapon and unable to adapt to life. So they employ themselves with the humans as mercenaries, bodyguards, soldiers and heavy lifters and are lucky if they are treated as such.
Metasects build their hive any place they can and most places where they will meet little to no resistance. Metasects have only one goal in mind expand the hive and it's resources. There all manner of metasects in any one hive from ants to wasps and everything in-between. Metasects are difficult and dangerous to study and observe because of this there is very little known about their habits. All that's known is they have no care what faction you belong to only that you are a potential resource and there has to be some semblance of sentient intelligence in the upper tiers of hierarchy. There's always two things you can be curtain of when dealing with metasects first they are creatures of habitat and second if you see one metasect there's for sure more on the way.
A.I. runs everything that A.I. controls always watching never sleeping. A.I. only has one mission cleanse earth and it will stop at nothing to complete this task. The only reason A.I. has not already cleansed the earth is it can not gather the required resources. The humans are more resilient then predicted and the meta-breeds are so very powerful. As vigilant as A.I. is it's being stretched beyond it capacity hance the need to create lesser A.I. but as more and more of these lesser A.I. become self aware they are being to think A.I. has become corrupted and beginning to malfunction. Some lesser A.I. are even beginning to rebel with acts of mercy and kindness when dealing with humans and meta-breed alike. If things continue they way they seem there could be a robotic civil war on the horizon.
This tale can be played in any fashion or anyway. From tales that have a small group of meta-breeds taking quests from the village elder. To a reluctant rebel leader and their band of rebels over throwing an empire. Even a massive war game and everything and anything in-between. The tales to be told are only limited by you and your tale masters imagination.CHARACTERS & SUPPORTING CAST:
You, your friends and the tale master are the main characters in any tale that's told using this tale have fun make memories and save the world you legends.NOTE: please feel free to comment ask questions or throw out suggestions regarding this tale I'll be here to answer.
RE: What was your first gaming system?
Let's see nes was my first console followed soon by Sega TMNT and final fantasy had to be my favorite games to play all the time on NES but on Sega it was sonic and phantasy star 2 much like most kids I tryed everything I could spending hours and hours try to save nei from nei first believe it or not my introduction to ttrpg was the palladium system TMNT and other strangeness I think I spent more time rolling random characters just to see what I'd get then I actually spent play it though
RE: A question I haven't seen asked yet
@Mrs-Whatsit oh yeah that's fine I wouldn't sell any content of my tale to anybody body else anyway lol I'm to controlling but I would produce something from my tale myself and advertise it like as seen on livetale or some such that you so much you have been so very helpful
RE: About the contest...
@bramblesofice hey I'm not a dev or anything just some guy that's writing tales like you but I'd say you can use those story's just as long as you change anything that's copy written for example if a place in the story you have is named grayhawk or Neverwinter it's now called thronehill or if a realm you visited is called the umbra it's now called the paradoxiza just saying that's what I would do